Preschool students’ initiative and participation is deployed.
The children’s interest in discovering the world from their own experiences makes them enjoy the learning process, therefore, each of the educational practices are carefully designed by the teachers according to the developmental level of the students.
Through active learning we encourage the full development of their potential, because each student enjoys the freedom to choose, express ideas, make plans and projects based on their own interests, choose, make decisions, speak and reflect on their actions.
In addition, we believe in play as an essential teaching method, so we implement processes that increase student participation and foster their social and emotional development.

While they discover, we create a supportive environment in which they feel safe to learn and develop their skills.
HighScope Methodology
Since its founding, Los Alcaparros has had ties with the High/Scope Foundation, promoting child development around the world through an active, participatory learning model.
Thanks to this partnership, our students have had the opportunity to discover the world through play, exploration, interaction and the development of creativity. With the HighScope “Wheel of Learning”, active learning is at the center and school coexistence is based on key experiences with daily routines that encourage initiative and personal relationships among students.
In addition, our teachers are certified in the HighScope curriculum.
Rainbow Connections – The Rainbow Connections program is part of the integration strategies and aims to accompany the child and his/her family during the process prior to entering Los Alcaparros, so that the arrival to the new school environment is friendly and smooth.
The transition to this new stage is exciting and generates great expectations in both parents and children, but also feelings of anxiety about the challenges to be faced and the goals to be achieved. The change requires adjustments that must respond to the child’s stage of development and the expectations of the environment.
Rainbow Connections
El programa Rainbow Connections hace parte de las estrategias de integración y tiene como objetivo acompañar al niño y a su familia durante el proceso previo al ingreso a Los Alcaparros, para que la llegada al nuevo entorno escolar sea amable y tranquila.
La transición a esta nueva etapa es emocionante y genera grandes expectativas tanto en los padres como en los niños, pero también sentimientos de ansiedad ante los retos que hay que enfrentar y a las metas que se proponen. El cambio exige ajustes que deben responder a la etapa de desarrollo en que se encuentra el niño y a las expectativas del medio.

Following the Plan-Do-Review structure to promote initiative, curiosity and interest in discovering the world.

Family Matters
Enriching family values through academic and formative processes.

Learning Center
Supporting children with specific learning needs, both cognitively and academically.

Approaching the arts, sports and complementary disciplines that enrich education.

“I believe in a school that not only teaches children what we know about the world, but also teaches them to think about possibilities.”
-John Dewey