Life skills.
At this stage, the development of academic skills becomes more important, so it is necessary to formalize work and study habits.
Through active learning and direct, authentic and real interaction with the world, we strengthen and develop study habits and thinking skills that will allow our students not only to exploit their potential to learn, but to explore their interests and passions in order to develop a genuine and deep bond with learning that will accompany them throughout their lives.
Through this approach teachers teach all the skills necessary for academic excellence, not only reading, writing, math and science but also how to be a member of a community learning how to take turns, listen respectfully and work effectively in pairs or groups.

At Alcaparros, more than the acquisition of content, our students develop the necessary skills to learn to inhabit the world, to become citizens who care for themselves, for others and for their planet.
Responsive Classroom
In a Responsive Classroom, adults, spaces and curriculum respond to the needs and strengths of each stage of development by providing students with the appropriate structure and learning opportunities. We generate positive and safe environments for students to be motivated by new knowledge, establish patterns of collaboration and assertive ways of relating.
We firmly believe that the joint and balanced development of academic and social-emotional skills favor and bring learning to its maximum potential. That is why at every moment and in every space, Alcaparros intentionally seeks to teach these skills and make students the protagonists of the process.

Projects and STEAM
High-impact learning opportunities in which we implement our Plan-Do-Review routine on a daily basis to promote initiative, curiosity and interest in discovering the world.

Programs and activities to awaken a love for music, theater, visual arts, audiovisual expression, and team and individual sports.


Bikes and Pedaling! 2nd grade
Bikes and Pedaling! 2nd grade

For students, projects are opportunities to explore their interests, put their skills into practice, connect knowledge, exercise their autonomy and at the same time develop their social skills to collaborate and co-create with others.
For students, projects are opportunities to explore their interests, put their skills into practice, connect knowledge, exercise their autonomy and at the same time develop their social skills to collaborate and co-create with others.

Colombian Coffee, Colombian Identity – 1st grade
Colombian Coffee, Colombian Identity – 1st grade

The Magic Behind the Scenes – 4th grade
The Magic Behind the Scenes – 4th grade

The Unique and Unusual – 3rd grade
The Unique and Unusual – 3rd grade

“The goal of education is not to increase the amount of knowledge but to create the possibilities for a child to invent and discover, to create men who are capable of doing new things.” – Jean Piaget